Friday, August 31, 2007


so this is my blog that will be about life as seen through my kidney. I had a kidney transplant June 11, 2004. 3 years ago. My dad gave me his. it was an interesting experience. i remember going to the hospital early that morning, and not being nervous at all. i was pretty calm. but i was crying when my dad said bye and was on the way to the operating room. that was scary. b/c what if something had gone wrong? it was all b/c of me!! i would have never been able to live with myself. even though i know he chose to do it himself and that in his eyes there wasn't another way. he HAD to do it. i am forever grateful for him doing that. giving my dad a CD on fathers day seems so stupid now. but how do you say thanks? Thanks for saving my life...thanks for giving me life...AGAIN!

Tonia and Maryellen (sisters) named my kidney. the first Christmas after my transplant i get this card in the mail addressed to AMANDREW. my dad called me up and was like...ummm i don't know if this is for you or for see my dads name is Andrew and i'm Amanda. apparently Maryellen and Tonia decided to smoosh them together and there it was.
Amandrew. my dad says it gay b/c its a boy kidney and b/c i like boys, that makes amandrew gay. i love his humor. but then again everything is gay in my dads eyes. haha!

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